Tuesday, January 3, 2012

no place like home for the holidays....

woww. i can't believe my time at home is almost over. i head back to europe tomorrow! first stop is london to visit seany, then back to españa to finish up the last 6 months! you know how they say absence makes the heart grow fonder? that also applies to home. i had to best time being back with my family, seeing all my old friends, and just driving around. needless to say, as stupid as it sounds, i'm sad to leave good old wilmington delaware. but i know that it's the easy way out to stay at home where i'm comfortable. and to be honest, these next 6 months are going to fly by... al is coming with me to london/spain, so a little piece of home will be coming with me! and then the whole family will be visiting me in march!

i had a great night tonight with two of my best friends in the world... we're all on different adventures. victoria is heading off to australia in a week or two (until september!!!) and al will be heading off to california after her adventures in spain. it's funny how far apart we'll be, but i think we will all have similar experiences. and none of us know what we're going to do after. all we know is that right now we're trying to grow and mature and just figure things out. and it's funny, i kind of thought i would have everything figured out by the time i graduated college. and here i am heading back to spain for 6 months and then god knows what.

isn't it crazy how people can be friends for so long? and even though we all change, we're still as close as ever. ahhh it will be hard to leave tomorrow! but i'm still excited to go back. and thank god i'm not as lost as i was going in september!


  1. We miss you already! Luckily, March is right around the corner- we are coming for sure...Dad went to get a passport today!

  2. This post just gave me the hugest smile- (As I sit on a couch in Macau, China with portuguese television on and a poker playing "Panda" to my right listening to dubstep)- such different places we are, so far apart indeed, but you are so right. We are all on our own life adventures of self discovery and learning. It's a pretty cool thing really. Shameful, that I did not read it until now, but I'm really glad I did ; )

    And I have to add SO EXCITING THE SNYDERS ARE GOING TO SPAIN!!! Someone should make a movie, pleaaaaaaaase at least some home videos so we can watch when we're all home again -inbetween our next chapters- Also, you sound like J.D. with some really thoughtful insights at the end there. Loving it and you- tu me manque mon cherie amie xoxoxo
